Application tips for using your at home keratin treatment - Massage and Saturate

Make caring for your hair a breeze. Follow these tips to apply KSD like a pro!
We get a lot of questions about what's the best way to apply the treatment to your hair. Periodically, we will list out a few top tips to help you on your smooth hair journey. Here we go! For optimal and long lasting results, follow these two steps.
Tip #1
"The directions say to massage the treatment into the hair. What does that mean?"
To get the best results, the treatment needs to penetrate the hair shaft and it needs to be massaged into the hair. Rub your thumb against your fingers down every hair strand to make sure the treatment is pushed into the cortex of every hair strand. This should start at your roots and go all the way down the hair shaft.
Tip # 2
"How do I know my hair is saturated?"
Once you’ve massaged the treatment into your hair, comb through your strands. Ideally, you'll see a little product on the comb after it’s been applied from root to end. If not, apply more product to your hair. More treatment will be needed for on very curly or coarse hair, as this hair type absorbs products. Once you feel confident that enough product has been used all over your head, comb the hair back and away from your face.
Watch your text and emails for more informational tips on how to get the most out of your treatments.
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